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December 12th, 2018 — English
It is interesting to see that Egyptian authority thinks much like Belarusian one do.
I remember the case, somewhere around 2006, Belarusian authorities insisted that pop-band “Kraski” (“The Paints”) should not sing their song “Orange sun” during the tour. Why? Because just a few month ago so-called “Orange revolution” occured in Kiyv, Ukraine. And singing about Orange sun may, certainly, ignite Belarusians to a revolutionary deeds )))
December 10th, 2018 — English
The cops from the Anti-extremist department, after monitoring my FB-page, started an administrative case case against me on “Public demonstration of nazi symbolics’. The original post which draw their attention: https://www.facebook.com/happymikola/posts/308505772833788
The content of this publication – criticizing some persons (quite famous in Belarus) for standing along with nazis from “Misantropic division” group. Apparently, for proving my words, I demonstrate the pictures where these persons do so. And here it is – an administrative case 🙂 The case is already sent to the court. As far as I see, no sentence yet.
Important to say, this is the second case of such a type against me. In July I was arrested by the riot cops near my house, brought to a police station and in 2 hours – to a court, where I was fined with the same article.
It’s apparent that cops purposely scan my FB page, searching on whether they can punish me with a most derogatory article possible. By the way, few weeks ago an antifascist comrade from Grodno was arrested and punished for a same article: for posting online a swastica put in a thrash bin. That’s how state “anti-extremism” works 🙂
I will keep you informed.
December 6th, 2018 — English
На сённяшнім судзе над Зміцерам Паліенка.
During today’s court trial against Zmitser Palienka.
December 4th, 2018 — English
By now I have not noticed any signs or reports or even mentions of the anarchist presence on the France “yellow jackets” protests.
Seems that antiautoritarians mostly reflecting the fact of a people’s uprising.
Or am I mistaking?
November 26th, 2018 — English, Аб усім
Сёння спаўняецца 29 год украінскаму анархісту Аляксандру Кольчанка. 4,5 гады ён, абвінавачаны ў тэрарызме, у засценках Расійскай імперыі. Сядзець яшчэ 5,5. Але галоўнае, што ўсе мы ведаем, хто сапраўдны тэрарыст.
Today is a Birthday of Ukrainian anarchist Alexandr Kolchenko. He is imprisoned by Russian empire, being accused in terrorism, for 4,5 years already. And 5,5 years are behind. But we all know, who is the real terrorist.
November 18th, 2018 — English, Палітыка
Thoughts about Michail Zhlobitskiy, the anarchist comrade who blew himself up in a special service office month ago. Who he was, why he did what he did and what can we do to be worth of his sacrifice.
Thanks Thomas Campbell for the translation!
November 10th, 2018 — English
November 5th, 2018 — English, Палітыка
The right for free speech is one of the fundamental values for human beings. For any dictatorship, when it comes to power, media are among the first institutions it puts under control. During 24 years of the dictatorship Belarusian journalists are emong those, who continue to fight the censorship, oppose the state propaganda and undermine authoritatianism.
Today, in International day in support of journalism, we feel the need to remind about it once again. Belarus will be free!
Права на свабоду слова – адно з фундаментальных правоў чалавека. Любая дыктатура, калі прыходзіць да ўлады, у першую чаргу захоплівае кантроль над СМІ. Падчас 24 год лукашэнкаўскай дыктатуры беларускія журналісты – сярод тых, хто працягвае змагацца з цэнзурай, супрацьстаяць дзяржаўнай прапагандзе і падрываць аўтарытарызм.
Сёння, у Міжнародны дзень падтрымкі журналістаў, лічу патрэбным яшчэ раз нагадаць аб гэтым. Беларусь будзе вольнай!
November 4th, 2018 — English
The suicide bombing of Archangelsk anarchist prompted many Russian journalists to show their true face. The “Novaya Gazeta”, which has a reputation of an opposition and anti-Putin newspaper, issued an ugly text condemning Michail Zhlobitskiy and political “terrorism”. I have written a response, protecting the honor of our comrade. Thanks to Thomas Campbell for the translation.
November 3rd, 2018 — English, Аб усім, Бягучыя навіны
Калі Міністэрства працы лічыць, што “ідэалы кастрычніцкай рэвалюыцыі” гэта правільна, то чаму Міністэрства ўнутраных спраў карае за надпіс “Class War” (“Класавая вайна”) на шапцы?
A state, suffering from schizophrenia
If Ministry Of Work thinks that “Ideals of October revolution” are right, so why Ministry of Internal affairs punishes people for “Class War” patches on a sock cap?
(heading here says: Ministry of Work approves the importance of ideals of the October Revolution)