What to do in case of natural disaster? Execute anarchists. – The Amakasu Incident

This is something I was really shocked by, while reading. Imagine yourself flood in Germany and police killing anarchists because they may theoretically “take advantage of the disaster to overthrow the government.”

“The Amakasu Incident occurred on September 16, 1923, in the chaos immediately following the Great Kantō earthquake, in Japan. Fearing that anarchists would take advantage of the disaster to overthrow the government, a squad of military police led by Lieutenant Amakasu Masahiko arrested Ōsugi Sakae, Itō Noe, and Ōsugi’s six-year-old nephew. They were later beaten to death and their bodies thrown into a well.

The killing of such high profile anarchists, along with a young child, became known as the Amakasu Incident, and sparked surprise and anger throughout Japan.”

via Wikipedia


#1 Portal XMC on 02.03.21 at 13:35

Przyjemnosc zycia jest przyjemnoscia plynaca z cwiczenia duszy; to jest bowiem prawdziwe zycie. – Arystoteles

#2 WWW.XMC.PL on 02.04.21 at 02:26

Zycie mozna zrozumiec, patrzac nań tylko wstecz. Zyc jednak trzeba naprzod – Soren Kierkegaard

#3 Ekonomia on 02.04.21 at 08:34

Czlowiek nie moze zyc, nie wiedzac, po co zyje” – Gustaw Herling-Grudziński

#4 Typy Metali on 02.06.21 at 09:27

Dobry przyjaciel widzi pierwsza lze, lapie druga i powstrzymuje trzecia.

#5 www.Pianino.xmc.pl on 02.08.21 at 00:45

Nigdy nie zapomnij najpiekniejszych dni swojego zycia! Wracaj do nich, ilekroc w twoim zyciu wszystko zaczyna sie walic. – Jim Rohn


#6 Norway on 02.13.21 at 18:46

Kazdy czlowiek umiera, nie kazdy naprawde zyje. – William Wallace http://www.xmc.pl