Few words about your everyday live

«Creation and production come to mean sold activity. A mans activity is “productive”, useful to society, only when it is sold activity. And the man himself is a productive member of society only if the activities of his daily life are sold activities. As soon as people accept the terms of this exchange, daily activity takes the form of universal prostitution».

“The reproduction of everyday life” by Freddy Perlman. 1969

Long live ALF

Just finished the short inspiring broshure “Memories of freedom”, written by (former?) members of Animal Liberation Front – the radical eco-anarchist organization, aiming to down with oppression of animals, vivisection and fur industry by the means of direct action.

The broshure descripts the most outstanding actions of ALF in 90-s, the actions which cost millions of dollars of damage for the vivisectors and capitalists, who make money on death and enormous suffering of hundreds of thousands of animals. So some tactics of the direct action may be borrowed for these who interested.

Some chapters are dedicated to Rod Coronado – eco-anarchist and native American acitivst, who was the first ALF prisoner. Put between the choice – get years of prison or rat his friends and comrades on a subpoena, he have chosen to refuse the collaboration with system and got a 57-month prison sentence.

Digital version of the text available here.

Meanwhile, you may did not know it, but there were at least one recorded action of the radical ecologists in Belarus. An arson set to an excavator in Vitebsk region. Here is the report (in Russian).

Extremisim in Belarus


Belarusian authoritarian state have found a brand new instrument to fight dissidents: label all of them “extremists”. Since last years, the repressive apparatus of Lukashenko developed sophisticated legislature and media discourse aiming to prove that everyone who criticizes the state in a radical way are “extremists” and almost terrorists. Specific efforts are put in criminalizing anarchists.

Recently I have dubbed in English my video “extremism in Belarus”, which reveals the abovementioned process.

Does it work the same way in your country?

Police shows up on a feminist festival in St.Petersburg. Reason – a complaint, filed by “anti-gay activist”. Russian authority is so eager to preserve “morality” and “traditional values” that even decriminalized home violence some time ago. So there is nothing surprising that feminism poses threat to them.

Feminists vs. Police in Petersburg

Anarchist Black Cross-Belarus calls for solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Nikita Yemelyanov.

You can either transfer money in support of the activist, or perform a solidarity action.

More detailed info here.

Look how much resources (e.g. money, vehicles, human resources) does US authority spend on not letting people from the neighbor countries get into US. The degree of a violence, allowed to private structures to perform during this “mission” is also impressive.

State slavery in Belarus

Belarusian state is a slave-owner state. By now we have around 35 000 citizens inside of our country, which are coerced to work, not payed for their labor, and are beaten or otherwise punished in case they refuse to work.

Detailed explanation in this video. Length: 6 minutes.

As you can see, I have opened a new channel called Radix International. Here I will upload my original videos on any languages, except Belarusian and Russian. I would be happy if you subscribe to it and advise it to your friends!




Вучэнне – свет, невуцтва – цемра. Яшчэ напрыканцы лета паступіў ў Люблін (Польшча) і зараз вывучаю польскую мову ва універсітэце Марыі Складоўскай-Кюры. Калі ўсё будзе добра, праз тры гады вярнуся да вас магістрам палітычных навук.


Еducation is light, ignorance is darkness. At the end of the summer I was admitted to a Lublin university of Marie Curie. If everything would be alright, three years later I will be back to Belarus as an MA in political science.

«ISIS’s insurgency will grow because areas it has lost in Iraq and Syria are still neither stable nor secure»

As I was stressing numerous times, all statements of both Russian military and Trump about the defeat of ISIS is nothing but lies and propaganda. Until the social preconditions of the ISIS insurgency will not be eliminated, the ISIS guerilla activity will increase. It is enough to know that the Islamic state alone (not considering other Jihadist groups) has as many as 30 000 fighters in Iraq and Syria by now. Read the short report regarding the topic.


Moscow protests and us

Thanks to comrade from the blog THE RUSSIAN READER for translating my text regarding the Moscow protests. Shortly: here is what we should learn from them for the future revolt in Belarus.


Mikola Dziadok: What We Can Learn from the Moscow Protests